Vibrant Life Emanantes from Meggan Joy’s Magical Collaged Silhouettes..!
2024.09.10 by BlueOne
Light Painting Animations Create Dazzling Effects Around Glass Spheres..!
2024.09.07 by BlueOne
Katrine Hildebrandt Embraces Symmetry in Paper, Wire, and Reed..!
2024.09.05 by BlueOne
Slopes, Snakes, and Slides Wrap Around ‘Casa de los Milagros’ in Photographs..!
2024.09.01 by BlueOne
Using Her Body Weight, Brie Ruais Heaves 130 Pounds of Ceramic into Radial..!
2024.08.31 by BlueOne
Layering Found Cardboard into Communing Forms, Ann Weber’s Sculptures Emphasize!
2024.08.29 by BlueOne
A New Book Branches Out Across 3,500 Years to Explore Our Enchantment with Trees
2024.08.28 by BlueOne
Andrea Spencer’s Painstakingly Layered Glass Sculptures Intertwine Tendrils..!
2024.08.27 by BlueOne