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본문 제목

hot and cold water..!


by BlueOne 2014. 12. 15. 13:34


I was just looking at a picture of separate hot and cold water taps

and thinking about how they are sort of like men and women.

Let’s, for a moment, assume that each tap represents one

of the two genders (for the purpose of my theory,

I am going to assume that there are only two temperatures

and only two genders). I will not say which tap represents

which gender because that really does not affect my concept.

Now, I was thinking about how there are certain things

that one or both taps can do, and certain things that one or both genders can do.

I shall try to explain:

(Please note that I am not able to provide any examples given the complexity

of my theory and the fact that each of you reading this is a human

and can therefore, find examples of your own.)

    Some things require only hot water or only cold water; likewise,

    some things can be done only by a man or only by a woman
    Some things can be done be using either hot water or cold water; likewise,

    some things can be done by either a man or a woman
    Some things can only be done by combining hot and cold water; likewise,

    some things can only be done by a man and a woman together.

I then realised that my theory had a number of flaws,

as pretty much every theory does,

so I had to take it a step further and it got me thinking…

By mixing the waters, one is able to achieve a greater number

of outcomes. Similarly, by the combined efforts of both genders,

it is possible to achieve more.

In most of the world the hot and cold water tap is one,

such that a person is able to mix the temperature to their liking.

There are times that the water needs to be hotter and times

that it needs to be colder, depending on what we need to use it for.

Some of us prefer a scalding hot shower, others prefer a cold shower.

Some of us want a hot shower in cold weather and a cold shower in hot weather.

And some of us want to have a warm shower regardless of the weather.

If each of us uses both temperatures, why must we chose one gender?

There is a spectrum of temperatures between hot and cold;

likewise there is a spectrum of genders between male and female. No,

I do not care for what they are labelled, I only care to know that they exist.

Does anyone concern themselves with the temperature of the water

in their neighbour’s bath?

No. Not unless they are joining them in there.

So then why are we all so concerned with defining peoples’ genders

and who anyone wants to fuck?

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