상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Micro House - Skit 2014..!

ARTs Image BOX

by BlueOne 2014. 8. 23. 07:37


Micro House - Skit 2014 by Dachi Papuashvili

The skit is designated for one person usage. It is best for both churchmen and laymen.

Here are all conditions for a long term living but also may serve for short-term isolations

(for fasting, scientific or translating works, icon paintings, etc.)

The building represents an insulated, reinforced construction, covered with wood.

Its details will be manufactured before, what will give opportunity to build

it without heavy technics at any landscape condition.

Skit is an energetically independent building, producing any needed energy

on solar power and accumulating rain water. So it does not need any energy sources

and communications neither for building, nor for exploitation.

There are separate spaces at skit, designated for different usages.








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